UPDATE!  This bar has found a home in the Inisfree Farm Barn, a Historic Event Venue with Bed & Breakfast Accomodations in Southwest Michigan!

This antique saloon bar and back bar, made by Minwegan & Weiss Co in 1900, was originally salvaged from a hotel bar in Chicago where Al Capone was a rumored regular. At some point, the pieces made their way to Scoopers, an ice cream parlor in Leesburg, VA, which closed its doors in 1995. From there, it was salvaged for the second time, crated, and stored away – Until now!

When it arrived at Black Dog Salvage, we built a cabinet base for the back bar and assembled the whole unit here in our retail showroom.  Find out how we matched new wood with the 100-year-old finish here. The front bar is 18 feet of beautiful, partially quartersawn, Red Oak with applied decorative panels.   The back bar has two brass-plated sconces and a brass-plated double arm pendant. Architectural details include bull’s eye and sunburst medallions, aged brass foot rail, carved acanthus leaves, claw and ball feet, and beveled mirrors.  Just imagine the stories this bar would tell if it could talk!

Minwegen & Weiss Manufacturing Company was formed in 1889.  This informative blog from Urban Remains details the company’s history and includes iconic vintage photos from that era. Cheers!]]>